
Nike AE - What If You Can?

What If You Can?

 More importantly, what’s holding you back?

 This one goes out to anybody who has ever doubted themselves. We’re here to remind you that you’ve got everything it takes and more.

 Believe us, we know that doing anything for the first time takes a truck load of courage. It can be daunting with a sprinkling of plain terrifying and a dash of ‘Yikes!’. But just think, if you don’t decide to give it a go, then you’ll never know.

 You maybe a team player who has never met her team, a striker who has never touched a ball, a gymnast who has never taken a leap, a dancer destined to grace the world stage. The possibilities to channel your confidence through sport are endless.

 We know you have it, even you don’t know it yet. So please ask yourself ‘what if you can?’ There's only one way to find out. 

 Head over to Nike Teens for the kind of content that'll make you want to confidently ask, ‘What if I Can?’

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